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About QNET

QNET is the world’s largest and fastest-growing online shopping and business community... and ever since 1998, we’ve been home to a new breed of healthy, happy and successful people of all ages, races, gender and socio-economic status.

As an established, dynamic direct selling company, we provide the framework and tools that allow our members to actively raise their quality of life through value-added lifestyle products and through our network marketing business opportunity and attractive Compensation Plan.

How? We offer the best products in the right business. At our core is an advanced, proprietary eCommerce platform, powering the QNET eStore for shoppers, and the QNET Virtual Office for business builders. We offer a fully supported entrepreneurial opportunity to promote the QNET business and product portfolio to others. With or without availing of the business opportunity, QNET retails a variety of products that enhance the everyday lives of our customers around the world.

QNET Company Profile
eBook | PDF

QNET Company Movie


The QNET brand is all about unlimited choice. Our product portfolio features a diverse and wide selection of strong and innovative products designed to enhance every aspect of daily living.

This evolving product portfolio is combined with a business opportunity that allows you the choice of running your own business – without the need for large start-up costs, stock control and inventory, large overheads and other early hurdles in an entrepreneur’s path to success. Whether a full-time or part-time business, the choice is yours! And the diversity of the product portfolio allows for your tailored choice of product selection depending on your particular market needs and wants.

This unique duality creates the QNET community in which members enjoy true freedom of choice as to how they live their life.

  • Wellness and Energy
  • Health and Nutrition
  • Luxury Watches and Jewellery
  • Holiday Packages and Memberships
  • Telecommunications
  • Personal Care and Cosmetics
  • Homecare and House Ware
  • Education
  • Personal and Business Development Books and Media

Get to Know Your QNET Products

eBook | PDF | Movie