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Genealogy Enquiry

Change Placement  | BV Allocation  |  TC Qualification  | Change Direct Referrer 

Change Placement

How to change placement?

You need to send a request to change placement:
– Login to your Virtual Office, click on Help Centre
– Then click on ” Contact Us”, fill up your information
– Provide IR ID of downline, under which IR ID, which TC (TC002/TC003), LEFT or RIGHT side
– Please enter the code shown
– Lastly click on “Submit”

Note: Request should be sent within 7 days from the registration date by Direct Upline / Referrer

BV Allocation 

What is Direct BV?

“Direct BV” means the Business Volume or BV that an IR earns when he/she sells QNET Products to directly referred retail customers or direct referrals.

How long will it take for BV to be reflected into IR's account if he/she made a retail purchase (CU) ?

The BVs from retail purchase will be reflected in the BV Bank after the transaction is completed. From the BV Bank, IR can place the BV under his chosen TC.

Can I reallocate my BVs?

No, once the BVs are allocated, changes are no longer allowed.

How can I allocate the BVs in my BV bank?

Login to your Virtual Office, go to “My Tools” and then choose “Manage Business Volume (BV)”, and you may then allocate your BVs accordingly.

TC Qualification

What does Qualified TC mean?

Qualified TC means IR who has at least 500 BV in his/ her Primary Tracking Centre (TC001) from Retail Sales or product purchases for personal consumption.

For Activation, can I combine Personal Sponsorship and Business Volume (BV) from Retail Purchase?

Yes, this is one of the three ways of Activation – Combination of Retail Sale, and Personal Purchase/s or Qualified Direct Referral.

For Activation, can I purchase 1000BV and place under each side of my tracking centre?

Yes, IR can Activate his/ her tracking centre by allocating the required minimum BV (500BV) from his/ her personal purchases.

How can I activate my tracking centre?

Qualified IR can activate his/her Representativeship in 3 ways: Qualified IR can activate his/her Representativeship in 3 ways: 1. Retail Sale – IR achieves BV from his/her retail sale and allocate at least 500 BV on each side of any of the IR’s TCs; 2. Combination of Retail Sale, and Personal Purchase/s or Qualified Direct Referral – Allocate a minimum of 500 BV each on each side of any of the IR’s TC through combination of BV from Retail Sales and IR’s purchases of QNET products for personal consumption or qualified direct referral. 3) Direct Referral – Place at least one Qualified Direct Referral per side on any of the IR’s TCs.

What is Self-Activation?

“Self-Activation” is a method of activating Representativeship with BV that the IR achieved from his/her retail sale or purchase of QNET products for personal consumption.

Change Direct Referrer

How can I change my referrer IR ID?

Based on our Policies and Procedures, the change of the Direct referrer is not allowed.

How to see my direct referrals list in the Virtual Office?

Login to your virtual office, go to My Activity and Performance (VO 1) or Performance Reports (VO 2) >> Select Referral Summary.

My Upline's IR ID is mentioned incorrectly. Can I redo by registering again?

As per company Policies and Procedures, changing the Referrer’s IR ID is not allowed.

I transferred to another team, as my Uplines are not helping me. Please remove my first registered TC.

It is not allowed to change teams nor open a second IRship as it is against the company’s Policies and Procedures. However, you may send a request with a letter explaining the situation and attach a copy of your valid ID for management review. If approved, your 1st IRship will be terminated based on valid reason and reinstate your 2nd IRship.

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