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IRship Enquiry

Renewal of IRship  |  Duplicated IRship  |  Transfer of IRship  | Resignation | Termination of Irship| Suspension of IRship

Renewal of IRship

How to pay the annual IRship fee?

To pay your IRship fee:
– Log in to your Virtual Office
– Click on “My Tools” / “My transactions”
– Then click on “Pay Annual IRship fee”
– Choose the payment method of your choice and follow the steps accordingly to complete the payment

What is the grace period for IRship renewal?

You are granted 30 days of grace period.

Will I lose my Left and Right Business volume, if I do not renew my IRship?

No, the existing Business volume will be maintained. However, any new incoming Business volume during the non-renewed period will not be counted.

How long before my account is terminated, if I do not renew my IRship?

A non-renewed IR account is subject to termination at any time based on the discretion of the Company.

Duplicated IRship

What is Duplicate IRship?

Duplicate IRship is when an IR has submitted multiple online registrations (have more than one IRship). Only the first completed application received will be accepted by the Company.

If an IR with 2 accounts made a purchase using the 2nd account, will it be possible to retain the 2nd account and terminate the 1st account.Here

Based on our Policies and Procedures, an individual is only allowed to register once. If the IR has more than one registration, only the 1st registration with a referrer is valid and accepted. The 2nd account will be terminated.

Can I do multiple registrations and have two TCs at the same time?

No, based on our Policies and Procedures you are allowed to have only one TC.

Transfer of IRship

If an IR passed away, whom the Company will transfer the ownership to?

Based on the Policies and Procedures, the tracking centre will be transferred to the beneficiary.

How to transfer ownership upon the death of the Tracking center's owner?

You may send us a request via the Help Center. Please provide the following documents:
• IR’s Death certificate
• Beneficiary valid ID copy
• Beneficiary written letter of acceptance
• Beneficiary Personal information

What are the requirements to transfer ownership/ Representativeship?

Under clause 8 of the Company’s Policies and Procedures, effective 2-JAN-2019, the Company no longer accepts the request for transfer of ownership.


What is Resignation?

Voluntary resignation form and/or termination of IR’s Representativeship by tendering a thirty (30)-days written notice of such voluntary resignation or termination to the Company.

After the resignation of my TC, is it possible to register again?

Yes, you can re-register, but after 12 months from the date of the resignation of your account.

Will the company refund my registration fee upon resignation?

No, based on the policy and procedures of the company, the registration fee is non-refundable.

Can I resign at any time?

Yes, you can resign at any time.

What are the documents required for resignation?

You may send us a request via the Help Center. Please provide the following documents:
– Resignation Letter (with an explanation of the reason) with signature and date.
– Attach your valid ID copy less than 5MB

Termination of Irship

Can I withdraw money from my Q Account after termination of my tracking center?

Once the tracking centre has been terminated, the Q Account will be no longer be accessible and no balance can be withdrawn.

Is it possible to reactivate a tracking center once it was terminated?

If an IR’s tracking center has been terminated, it is not possible to reactivate it.

When an IR's tracking center is Terminated, how long does it take to register once again?

An Individual can register as an IR again only after 12 months from the termination date.

When my tracking center is terminated, will I still have Business volume?

No, all the Business volume will be nullified once the tracking center is terminated.

What can lead to a Termination of an IR?

Violation of the terms of the Agreement, P&P, Compensation Plan, and/or any other relevant documents produced by the Company.

Suspension of IRship

I received a suspension letter from the company. What should I do if I want it to be considered again?

If you wish to ask the Company to review the decision, you shall make such a request in writing to the Company within fifteen (15) days from the date of the suspension notice. The Company will review and consider the suspension and notify you in writing of its decision within thirty (30) days from the date of the receipt of the Representative’s written request.

What is Suspension?

An IR may be suspended for violating any terms of the Agreement, P&P, the Compensation Plan, and/or any other relevant documents produced by the Company. When a decision is made to suspend an IR, the Company will inform the IR in writing of the decision, the effective date of the suspension, the reason(s) for the suspension, and the steps necessary to remove such suspension (if any).


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