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QA Settlement  

eCard Enquiry  |  Qwallet |  Telegraphic Transfer  | MyPrepaid Card | Qashout |Global Transaction Fee [GTF] 

eCard Enquiry

Where can I view my eCard?

Go to “Q Account” and choose “My eCard summary”. Enter your QA pin code and you may then view your eCard information. The eCard information will be available to view for the next 12 months.

How do I check the eCard balance and expiry date?

In your Virtual Office, please go to “My Tools” and then choose “eCard checker”. Enter the 16 digit eCard serial number and from there you may view the eCard information.

How to extend expired eCards?

Expired eCards can only be renewed within 90 days of the expiry date. In your Virtual Office, please go to “My Tools” and then choose “Extend eCards”. Enter the 16 digit serial number and 6 digit PIN number to validate and click “Go’.

– eCards can only be renewed within 90 days from the expiry date
– There is a 5% renewal fee applied
– eCards can only be renewed once

How to renew expired eCards beyond 90 days?

For eCards that expired more than 90 days, extension will not be granted.

What is the validity of eCards once extended?

Your eCards will be valid for 90 days from the renewal date.


Can I retrieve cash from Q Wallet?

No. Once you transferred the amount from Q Account to Q Wallet, it cannot be reversed.

Can I transfer funds from my Q Wallet to anyone else?

No, transfer of funds is only allowed to your direct referral’s Q Wallet.

Telegraphic Transfer

What is the minimum amount for Telegraphic Transfer?

Minimum amount for Telegraphic transfer is USD 200.

What is the time frame for Telegraphic Transfer to be completed?

It takes 2 weeks for the funds to be transferred to your bank account with complete bank details.

What is the Telegraphic Transfer fees?

Please note that certain Q Account transactions are already subject to existing fees. In such cases, only the higher fee is applicable. E.g., if the existing fee is higher than the Global Transaction Fee amount, only the existing fee will apply.

Minimum telegraphic transfer fee is USD 45.

Why did I receive my Telegraphic Transfer in EUR?

Due to tightening banking regulations, QNET switched from doing Telegraphic Transfer from USD to EUR currency.

Can I request Telegraphic Transfer to a third party bank account?

No, the Telegraphic Transfer can only be transferred to the IR’s personal bank account.

MyPrepaid Card

How to apply for My Prepaid Card?

You can apply for a MyPrepaid Card by simply following these steps:
1. Login to your Virtual Office.
2. Go to Q Account.
3. Go To My Prepaid tab and click Card Application.
4. Click Confirm if you agree to the fee deductions.
5. You’ll be redirected to the prepaid card provider’s sign-up page.
6. Upon clicking the Submit button, an automated email will be sent to you as an acknowledgment of your application.

*For new currency prepaid card application, repeat steps 1-3 then click Confirm if you agree on the fee deductions.
*Once approved, you will receive the web portal access code via email and the physical card will be sent to you by the prepaid card provider via registered mail within 3-4 weeks.
*Go to your online web portal and log in. You will be prompted to ACTIVATE your card.
*You will receive an email from QNET in case of a declined application.
*QNET will deduct the fees accordingly from your Q Account.
*The prepaid card provider will send an email confirmation on a successful top-up made to IR.
*You may check the status of the initial load through your online web portal.

How to load money in the My Prepaid card?

You can load MyPrepaid Card by simply following these steps:
1. Go to Q Account. And click My Prepaid.
2. Click the load request button.
3. Fill in the required field and click confirm.
4. Your prepaid load request will proceed within 2-3 banking days.
5. In case of an unsuccessful load, QNET will contact you to verify the correct information.
6. The prepaid card provider will send an email confirmation on a successful top-up made to IR.


Getting Started

What is Qashout?

Accessing your commissions just got a whole lot easier! Qashout is a new and efficient electronic commission payment portal dedicated to QNET IRs.

Making it easy at the touch of your fingertips, you can receive commission payments from QNET in your Q Account and seamlessly transfer them to your Qashout account… from here, the world is yours! Deposit or wire funds straight into your Bank Accounts, no matter which Bank you use*! Plus, you get extremely competitive exchange rates when you use Bank Deposit!

Qashout is for IRs under the World Plan only and is not available in the selected countries or regions. Fees and availability are subject to change without prior notice

How is my Qashout account different from my Q Account? Why do I need it?

Your Qashout account has been designed to complement your Q Account. You now have a fully integrated ePayment system that starts with your commissions being paid to you by QNET into your Q Account and – via your Qashout account – ends with your money in your Bank Account via Bank Deposit with minimal fees! By introducing a Qashout account to work with your Q Account, you can access your own commissions in your own Bank Accounts with huge savings in bank and transfer fees, as well as extremely competitive exchange rates, when compared to the traditional Telegraphic Transfer (TT) fees and bank exchange rates. This makes your options even more global and ensures you don’t need to pay huge fees to access your own commissions.

When will I be able to setup with a Qashout account?

Get ready… set… GO! You can set-up your account today! Just login to your Virtual Office (VO), click on ‘Go To Q Account’, and click the ‘My Qashout’ button in the top menu. You’ll see a ‘Create Account’ drop-down submenu. Follow the instructions with a few quick clicks! Or, refer to your Qashout Quick Start Guide , available in your Qashout account, for a helpful walkthrough.

I am trying to create my account, but the registration details are incorrect and I can't edit them!

The registration details shown during the account creation process are taken from your QNET IR profile. This is to help ensure seamless integration of your Q Account with your Qashout account.

Therefore, if the registration details shown are not correct, please file a Customer Request Form from within your Virtual Office (VO) to update your Profile. Then, you can create your Qashout account with the updated registration details.

Do I have to provide the same email address as the one I have registered in my Q Account and QNET IR profile?

Yes, your email address must be identical. Your email address will already be a part of the un-editable registration details when you create your Qashout account. It cannot be changed unless you change your registered QNET email address, by filing a ‘Change Email Address’ Customer Request Form from within your Virtual Office (VO) to update your Profile

Is my Qashout password and Security Questions the same as those in my Q Account?

No, you will need to create a unique password for your Qashout account and new Security Questions and Answers. This is for the utmost security for your accounts, and therefore, your Qashout password and Security Questions and Answers are not the same as those you already have for your Q Account.

How do I login to my Qashout account?

No, you will need to create a unique password for your Qashout account and new Security Questions and Answers. This is for the utmost security for your accounts, and therefore, your Qashout password and Security Questions and Answers are not the same as those you already have for your Q Account.

Fund Management

When will funds be loaded and available in my Qashout account each week?

You just need to manually Direct Load your desired amount of your commission from your Q Account to your Qashout account. Direct Loads will appear in your Qashout on every working days (HKT).

You may then transfer your funds to your own Bank Account by using the Cashout function under the Wallet Tools menu. It’s that fast and simple! You can also refer to your Qashout Quick Start Guide, available in your Qashout account, for a helpful walkthrough!

What are the fees to use Qashout account, and how are they charged?

We ensure fees are kept to a minimum for this advanced ePayment portal… a small price for a big reward. Plus, your Qashout account is free to create!We ensure fees are kept to a minimum for this advanced ePayment portal… a small price for a big reward. Plus, your Qashout account is free to create!

A. Once you create your Qashout account from within your Q Account in your Virtual Office (VO), you pay a tiny monthly maintenance fee of USD 1… but ONLY if your registered Qashout account has a balance. That’s right! You don’t pay if you don’t use and you don’t have a balance in your Qashout account! The monthly maintenance fee is deducted from your Qashout account.
B. A Direct Load flat fee of USD 10 is charged for fund transfers from Q Account to Qashout account and is deducted from your Q Account at the time of the Direct Load.C. Once your funds are received in your Qashout account, a USD 2 transfer fee would have already been deducted from your Direct Load amount to your Qashout account.
D. For bank deposits from your Qashout account to your Bank Account, fees vary from USD 3-USD 6, depending on the country of your Bank Account. Each transfer to any one (1) of up to your three (3) saved Bank Accounts will be charged this bank deposit fee.
The Fee Schedule for your Qashout account is as follows:
Description USD Fee1Registration of Qashout Account FREEQashout Account Support and Maintenance $1 per monthDirect Load Fee from Q Account to Qashout Account $12 per transaction2Bank Deposit3 $3 to $6 per transactionDormant Qashout Account Fee4 $5.00Exception Processing5 As determined by QNET______________________________
1Foreign currency balances will be converted to United States Dollars (USD) at the exchange rate set by QNET from time to time.2USD 10 will be charged in Q Account and USD 2 in Qashout account.3Please login to the Qashout account to check countries available for this service. The fee might vary from country to country. Our banking partners also make frequent changes to their networks for regulatory and geopolitical reasons. IRs will see any updates reflected in their Qashout accounts.4Assessed to the Qashout account if no transaction activity occurs for six (6) consecutive months to the extent funds up to USD 5.00 are reflected in the Qashout account’s balance field. Amounts owing do not carry forward.5QNET may assess, on a cost recovery basis, return or reject fees incurred because incorrect account information is provided to QNET and/or its Services Provider.

Is there a limit to how much money I can transfer?

Yes, there is a limit of USD $14,000.00 per week for Direct Loads from your Q Account to your Qashout account. There is no minimum amount that you can transfer.

What Bank Account information do I need to provide and how many Bank Accounts can I register with my Qashout account?

All the banking information that is required can be located at the Cashout screen of your Qashout account. You can register a maximum total of up to three (3) of your own Bank Accounts in your Qashout account.

Think carefully about which Bank Accounts you want to save, as once you have registered three (3), you cannot add any more, even if you have deleted/removed one of your previously saved Bank Accounts (an edited Bank Account counts as one (1) of your three (3) allowed Bank Account registrations). This is for your security, and you must file a ‘Qashout Concerns’ Customer Request Form under Q Account Concerns should you need to register more Bank Accounts

Can I edit the information of a Bank Account I have registered with my Qashout account?

Yes, simply log in to your Qashout account and click ‘Profile’, then click ‘Update’ beside ‘Financial Institution Information’. Select ‘Edit’ beside a previously saved Financial Institution, then update the information and click ‘Continue’. You then simply need to ‘Confirm’ the changes. However, please note that when you edit one of your Bank Accounts, it is counted as one (1) of your three (3) allowed Bank Account registrations. You can refer to your Qashout Quick Start Guide, available in your Qashout account, for a helpful walkthrough! If you do not know some of the requested information, simply contact your Financial Institution to get the details.

Can I transfer funds to a third party, such as my friend, family member?

No, you can only transfer funds to your own Bank Account. Also, Joint Bank Accounts are not allowed; the Bank Account must be in your name only.

Can I automate my cashouts from my Qashout account to my Bank Account?

Yes! It’s easy. In your Wallet Tools, just click the ‘Cashout’ link, and select Option 2: Automated Cashout. For Automated Cashout to work, you must save your banking information in your Qashout account during your first cashout. Just follow the easy instructions on-screen, or refer to your Qashout Quick Start Guide, available in your Qashout account, for a helpful walkthrough!

If I cashout funds from my Qashout account to my Bank Account, how long does it take from my funds to be available in my Bank Account?

Not long at all! After cashout, your funds should typically arrive in your Bank Account within one-two (1-2) business days, however depending on your Financial Institution, some require up to four (4) business days to process.

In the event that there was a problem with the banking information you provided, your money will typically be returned to your Qashout account within 4 (four) business days. Please keep in mind that your Financial Institution may charge you a non-refundable administration fee if you provided incorrect information.

In the rare even that after this time, your funds have neither been posted to your Bank Account nor been returned to your Qashout account, please file a ‘Qashout Concerns’ Customer Request Form under Q Account Concerns to initiate a trace to locate your transaction.

What should I do if I did not receive my transferred funds?

Some transfers may take up to four (4) business days to process. Please contact us immediately if you do not receive the transferred funds after (4) business days and we will check whether you have provided correct bank details to us. A fee of USD 50 may be charged if a bank investigation is required.

How am I notified of commission payments from my Q Account into my Qashout account?

If you provide your email address during your Qashout account activation, you will automatically be sent an email notification whenever your account is loaded with a commission payment from your Q Account.

Am I able to stop or reverse any of my transactions from Q Account to my Qashout account, or from my Qashout account to my Bank Account?

If the transaction has been processed, it cannot be recalled. Please kindly file a ‘Qashout Concerns’ Customer Request Form under Q Account Concerns for assistance. Please note that it is not guaranteed that all recall requests can be fulfilled.

Account Management

How can I access and view my Qashout balance and transaction history in my Qashout account?

Life made easy. You can view your Qashout account balance at any time by logging into your Qashout account and viewing the balances posted next to the flag icons, which indicate the various currencies you currently hold in your Qashout account.
To view your complete transaction history, click ‘Transactions’ in your Wallet Menu. You can refer to your Qashout Quick Start Guide, available in your Qashout account, for a helpful walkthrough!

What do I do if I forget my password?

Just click ‘Forgot Password’ when you try to login to your Qashout account, and you will then be asked to enter the same email address that you registered with your Qashout account. An email will be sent to you, containing a link to a new page where you will be asked to enter your two Security Questions that you created for your Qashout account. Once you answer these questions successfully, you will be able to set a new password.

If you didn’t include your email address when you activated your Qashout account… no problem! You can simply file a ‘Qashout Concerns’ Customer Request Form under Q Account Concerns for assistance

Can I change the password for my Qashout account?

Yes, simply login to your Qashout account and click ‘Profile’, then click ‘Update Password’. Enter your existing password, and then re-enter it to confirm. Please note that passwords must be 6-15 characters in length and may use any combination of letters, numbers and symbols. Keep in mind that your password is case sensitive.

Why does Qashout need my birth date?

As a money services provider, Qashout is required for regulatory reasons to collect the dates of birth of all account holders.

Am I able to cancel my Qashout account? If so, can I do it at any time and will I be charged a fee?

Yes, you can cancel your Qashout account at any time by filing a ‘Qashout Concerns’ Customer Request Form under Q Account Concerns. Before you do this, you are advised to Cashout any funds remaining in your Qashout account to avoid any charge. If you cancel your account while you still have funds remaining, you will be charged a USD 5 processing fee, which will be deducted from your Q Account.

How secure is Qashout?

Security and protection for every action and transaction you make. Qashout uses the industry standard of 128-bit SSL encryption as well as multiple firewalls to protect the transmission and storage of your personal and banking information. This is the same standard of security employed by other reputable Financial Institutions.

Mobile App Management

How do I get the Qashout Mobile App on my smartphone?

You can download the app from your smartphone’s app store.
iPhone users can download the app from iTunes
Android phone users can download the app from the Google Play Store
You can also download the app by visiting on your smartphone’s browser.

Is the Qashout Mobile App free to download?

Yes, it’s free to download!

Please note: While the app is free to download, using it on your smartphone is subject to the regular data usage charges of your mobile service provider. Qashout is not responsible for such charges.

How do I start using Qashout?

Check out the Qashout Mobile App – Getting Started Guide in your Virtual Office for step-by-step instructions on how to set up your Qashout Mobile App, so you can transfer and manage your QNET commission payments quickly and conveniently while on the go!

For more information, please visit the Qashout website

How do I change my bank account information?

You can change your bank account information by visiting the Qashout website

How do I register my bank account with Qashout?

You can register your bank account information by visiting the Qashout website For more information, be sure to check the Qashout Mobile App – Getting Started Guide in your Virtual Office and visit

Qashout Payment Option in eStore

How do I use Qashout Payment?

When purchasing product online through the QNET eStore, select Qashout as your payment method. The amount will be automatically deducted from your Qashout account and put towards your purchase. Please note you must have sufficient funds in your Qashout account to pay for the full amount. You will not be able to make a partial payment or a split tender payment with Qashout Payment.

Is there any fee associated with Qashout Payment?

No, it is free of charge.

What is Qashout Payment?

Qashout Payment is a merchant payment collection feature that allows IRs to purchase QNET product from the eStore using commission funds in your Qashout account.

Where can I access the Quick Start Guide?

Please click here to view the Quick Start Guide (PDF, opens in new window).

Global Transaction Fee [GTF]

What is Global Transaction Fee (GTF)?

Global Transaction fee (GTF) is an administrative fee levied on every fund withdrawal, transfer, conversion or deduction from the Q Account.

Why will QNET implement GTF?

There has been a rapid rise in operating costs. Because of these facts, we reluctantly have decided to introduce GTF.
QNET prides itself in providing you with a business opportunity that is borderless. For more than 20 years, our technology platform has seamlessly integrated sales with digital payment options, and our proprietary e-wallet, allowing you to focus on building your business while we handle the back-end for you.
However, cross-border transactions present a number of unique legal and compliance issues. In recent years, the banking and financial landscape has become more complex as nations respond to the effects of globalization, cybersecurity threats, state development strategies and geopolitical risks. There have been a number of changes to regulations related to cross border transactions in many of the jurisdictions we operate in and in order to continuously provide you with the most secure and compliant platforms available today whilst protecting the interests of the company, QNET will be charging a Global Transaction Fees (GTF).

When was Global Transaction Fee implemented?

The Global Transaction Fee was implemented on 9 December 2019, 00:01 HKST and applies to transactions performed from this date onwards, regardless of the date of request/initiation.

Does Global Transaction Fee apply to all IRs?

The Global Transaction Fee applies to all new and existing IRs who are registered in the World Plan.

Under what circumstances I will be charged with GTF and how much I will be charged?

The fee is equivalent to 3% of the transaction amount for the following services:The fee is equivalent to 3% of the transaction amount for the following services:
a. E-card Requests

b. Commission Cheques

c. All Telegraphic Transfers

d. Qashout

e. Q Wallet

f. Transfers to Prepaid cards

g. QA Encashments

How do I calculate Global Transaction Fees?

Here’s a scenario for your reference. IR A would like to transfer USD 3,000 to his bank account through Telegraphic Transfer. He has a balance of USD 4,000 in the Q Account:Here’s a scenario for your reference. IR A would like to transfer USD 3,000 to his bank account through Telegraphic Transfer. He has a balance of USD 4,000 in the Q Account:
USD 3,000 X .03 = USD 90Amount for transfer 3% Global Transaction Fee
A total amount of USD 3,090 will be deducted from your Q Account balance. You will have USD 910 left in your Q Account after this transaction.
Please note that you need sufficient funds in your Q Account each time that you will transact. The balance in your Q Account should be enough to cover both the amount for transfer and the applicable GTF or other transfer fees.

I am an existing IR. Will I be immediately charged with Global Transaction Fee once it comes into effect?

For IRs who have registered before December 9, 2019, Global Transaction Fee will be waived for the first USD 10,000 (or Euro 10,000 for Euro denominated accounts) worth of Q-Account transactions.

GTF will be applied in full for IRs who will register on or after the launch date.

Are there transactions that will be exempted from Global Transaction Fee ?

The below transactions will be exempted from Global Transaction Fee:The below transactions will be exempted from Global Transaction Fee:
a. Deduction of Donation to Rhythm foundation

b. Payment for personal purchase(s) made in the QNET e-Store

c. Q Account to Q Account Fund Transfers

d. Deduction of QA Maintenance Fee

e. Forfeiture of Q account balance due to non-renewal or termination

f. Deduction of International Sponsorship Fee

There are fees that are currently being charged for Telegraphic Transfers (TT), commission cheques & eCards. How will GTF be applied for these?

Please note that certain Q-Account transactions are already subject to existing fees. In such cases, only the higher fee is applicable. For eg, if the existing fee is higher than the GTF amount, only the existing fee will apply.
Example 1: Telegraphic Transfers
TT Transaction amount: USD 3,000
TT administration fee: USD 45
Global transaction fee (GTF): USD 90
You will be charged USD 90.

Example 2: Commission Cheques
Commission cheque transaction amount: USD 200
Administration fee: USD 7.5
Global transaction fee (GTF): USD 6
You will be charged USD 7.5.

Example 3: E-cards
eCard transaction amount: USD 200
Administration fee: Not applicable
Global transaction fee (GTF): USD 6
You will be charged USD 6.

Who can we contact in case we have more questions about Global Transaction Fees?

If you have further questions regarding GTF, our Global Support team will be glad to assist you. You may reach them through helpcenter .

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