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The Direct Selling Profession



Direct selling is the perfect sales model, moving products and services directly to consumers through independent reps who earn based on merit! Direct selling is an established yet ever-growing industry that provides companies with a direct point-of-sale and distribution channel for products and services, away from a physical retail location and without the traditional intermediaries. 


The multibillion-dollar direct selling industry has created the thriving and resilient profession of network marketing, allowing individuals and businesses to work together and connect on a one-on-one basis – be it in person, online, by phone, or through catalogue sales. This ‘connection’ to customers is achieved through independent distributors or networkers. At QNET, we call them Independent Representatives (IRs).

QNET offers a carefully developed range of exclusive and reliable products that are sold online around the world using a unique, proven and repeatable compensation plan. The Plan pays commissions and incentives to IRs for the referral and promotion of the company’s products.

Our customers range from:

  1. Retail Customers, who regularly purchase our products without opting to explore the business-side of direct selling
  2. Potential Distributors, who purchase products as well as avail themselves of the business opportunity
  3. Existing IRs, who also enjoy the exclusive benefits of QNET products themselves in addition to building thriving QNET businesses




Yes it is! With QNET, you are in business for yourself, but not by yourself. You have your OWN part-time or full-time business… it’s up to you.  

But no, it is not like any other self-start business! What makes QNET so different? You are able to focus on promoting QNET products, growing your business, and enjoying your life… while we do the rest.

No More Guesswork
YOU set your own work hours, level of commitment, priorities and goals. WE take care of the guesswork:
•    Your business plan has been proven long before you even commenced business
•    Your business plan has been designed for duplication, making its success transferrable and duplicable
•    You will always be on top-of-your-game with up-to-date business tools and regular training events
•    You learn from the experiences of others, with mentors and Uplines to guide and support you
•    You are backed by an established multinational company

Low Risk
Unlike traditional retail businesses, to get started in your QNET business, you DON’T need:
•    Major investment in inventory or handling of stock
•    Expensive office space or shop fronts
•    Frighteningly high start-up costs
•    Huge overheads
•    Prior experience in running a business

Don’t Sweat The Big Stuff
With QNET, you don’t have to worry about some of the timely and costly aspects of running your own business. Why not? Because that’s what we do for you!

•    Product research & development
•    Packaging, marketing, branding, advertising of products
•    Product shipment and delivery
•    Strong compensation and incentives
•    Developing and evolving business plans and market strategies
•    Training and skill development
•    Employee wages and benefits